In this thrust, the Institute focuses on developing novel mathematical models and efficient solution methods to support large-scale multi-stage decision-making under uncertainty. It explores three research avenues:
- Addressing the fundamental challenges of trading off fidelity, tractability, and sample complexity in multi-stage optimization.
- Systematic studies on the complexity analysis and the development of efficient solution approaches for different multi-stage optimization models.
- Exploiting structural properties in probabilitic Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) for multi-stage decision making under uncerta
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Communication-Constrained Expansion Planning for Resilient Distribution Systems. Geunyeong Byeon, Pascal Van Hentenryck, Russell Bent, Harsha Nagarajan. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 32(4): 968-985, 2020.
Dynamic stochastic approximation for multi-stage stochastic optimization. G. Lan and Z. Zhou. Mathematical Programming, 2020. accepted for publication.
Convex recovery of marked spatio-temporal point processes. Anatoli Juditsky, Arkadi Nemirovski, Liyan Xie, and Yao Xie. arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.12935, 2020.
Backwash sequence optimization of a pilot-scale ultrafiltration membrane system using data-driven modeling for parameter forecasting. B. Zhang, G. Kotsalis, J. Khan, Z. Xiong, T. Igou, G. Lan, and Y. Chen. Journal of Membrane Science, 612(15), 2020.
Algorithms for stochastic optimization with function or expectation constraints. G. Lan and Z. Zhou. Computational Optimization and Applications, 76:461–498, 2020.