AI4OPT's High School AI Day 2024 brought together students from Drew Charter High School, accompanied by Drew Charter Engineering Teacher and Academic Integration Specialist Ms. Beth White, for a day of AI exploration into power systems, mobility, games and demonstration at Coda in Midtown Atlanta's Tech Square.

AI4OPT Managing Director Kevin Dalmeijer talked about AI for supply chains and power systems. Then AI4OPT Director Pascal Van Hentenryck led the session on AI and Optimization for Mobility.

This was followed by interactive optimization games students partipcated in on power systems, and one on supply chains organized by AI4OPT members Rosemarie Santa Gonzalez, Rosemary Barrass, Hanyu Zhang, and Ryan Rodriguez, which provided hands-on experiences.
AI4OPT would like to thank all involved in making this event a success as we aim to inspire and engage future AI leaders. We look forward to continuing these collaborations.